At Greentopia, you’ll have the chance to peruse our unique marketplace of eco-friendly businesses and organizations. Everything from organic hygiene products to exuberant eco-fashion will be at your disposal. All Greentopia exhibitors are screened for their commitment to sustainable business practices using our carefully developed standards.

Mission Statement

To motivate, educate and inspire people in the Greater Rochester and Finger Lakes region to adopt green practices into their everyday lives.


To become one of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes’ region premier annual events, while educating and empowering thousands of residents to live “greener” lives.

List of Exhibitors

This list will be populated as exhibitors are added.

Become an Exhibitor

Thank you for your interest in becoming an exhibitor at Greentopia. The ever-expanding green marketplace welcomes you! Being an exhibitor gives you the opportunity to present your products, services and ideas to thousands of green beings.

Fill out the form below to begin the application process.

Just have a question? Click here to visit our contact page.

Prefer to download a PDF and apply by mail? Click here.


Commercial Vendor: $300 for 10x10 Space. ($250 total for Early Bird Discount - pay by May 15th, 2011)

Non – Profit Organization: $150 for 10 x 10 Space. ($100 total for Early Bird Discount - pay by May 15th, 2011)

Personal Information


 Vendor (selling items at the festival)
 Exhibitor (exhibiting items at the festival - not selling at festival)
 Food Vendor (selling only prepared food at the festival)
 Non-Profit (must have NP status & provide a copy of 501C(3) with application)

Contact Information

Presentation Information

ALL VENDORS AND EXHIBITORS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, as they pertain to your company’s policies and practices, in addition to educating your clients and the public:

Non Profit Vendors Only:

Food Vendors Only:




Directory Listing Category

 Eco Art/Fashion
 Fair Trade
 Food Court (prepared food vendor)
 Green Careers/Education
 Green Home/Kids
 Green Pets
 Green Technology
 Healthy Living
 Natural Foods/Agriculture

Additional notes

Cancellation Policy:

Notice of cancellation must be in writing and received by June 16, 2011 for 50% of booth price refund. No refunds after June 17th, 2011

Contact Information:

Click here for contact information.

Leave No Trace Policy:

Exhibitors are in violation of Leave No Trace Policy if booth is left with debris or trash. A $100 fee will be charged to clients credit card if policy is violated.

No Plastic Bag Policy

There will be no use of plastic bags at the festival

Where do we go from here?

The Greentopia Festival Vendor Committee will review your application and determine eligibility. Once approved, you will be sent a contact to be completed, signed and returned with payment.